Monday, March 30, 2009

Urgency Culture

Something big happened to be in the last three months. I slowed down my life significantly and realized that it needed a re-allignment, an oil change and perhaps even a few performance upgrades. Sure, the engine is still a high-performance beast and it offers one of the most comfortable rides you can ask for- but it needs to be tuned up.

The only way to really take stock of one's life is to take a break from the urgency culture that surrounds you and really slow things down. Take time to get some excercise, read an inspiring book and just relax.

Often we take time for ourselves. Its popular to go to a warm climate in the winter and take some time in the summer to relax. The problem is that we're not taking that time (nor any other time) to actually reflect back on what we're doing.

Are we happy at work? Are we engaged? Are we being leaders? How are we contributing to society?

This type of reflection can really put things into perspective. I'm starting to realize that its really fun to go fast but its really important to go slow.

Slow things down, enjoy the view, question the obvious and inspire others to do the same.

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